I was walking down a road full of people on a cold night. Then I entered that place which I will always remember. I really don't know which one of them was colder, the weather that night or the people around me. Amongst all of this hustle bustle I somehow felt lonely. There were so many fake friendly faces all around me. So many beautiful women and so many handsome men. But none of them were brave enough to let go off their impeccable masks. All of them trying to please the world around them which did not even bother about their existence. There were many others who had tiny cracks in their masks. Although the cracks were tiny they almost showed off their broken, bruised and battered souls.I didn't know why was I there. Why was I trying to find life amongst dead souls? What was it that I was searching for?
I knew my search was over when I saw those light brown eyes. Those were the only lively eyes I saw there. He wasn't the most handsome man. He was not tall and handsome. He didn't resemble the handsome prince of the fairytales. We looked at each other for a while before we spoke to each other. It didn't take long for things to happen. Soon we were all entwined amongst each other. Our kisses had the passion of newfound romance. His velvet touch can't be forgotten. He made me smile and never let a tear fall from my eyes.
But life is not a fairytale and so every good thing has to end. Unlike the love stories that we have heard, this story didn't have a happy ending. Everything shattered like a glass crashes onto the ground and becomes splinters. There was nothing left anymore. The person who would never let a tear fall from my eyes now gave me nothing but tears. The kisses and touches were no more passionate but just something which you felt for the sake of it. They say that relationships are like glass. Its better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together. But I still took the hurt and pain to put the glass back together. But again if you put a broken glass back together the cracks show and so it had to fall apart.
Yet I have kept those broken pieces safe with me although I was the one who gave the final blow but then it was necessary . The memories are such that I won't forget. However hard we try to forget things still somethings do stick around in your mind. But its okay what if the person has changed the memories wont change nor will those brown eyes. Even today I search for those brown eyes. Even today I wish the glass wouldn't have shattered.